Dennis Prescott

Coconut Grits with Mango Basil Bacon Salsa



Breakfast should, and can, be your best friend. That faithful pal that’s always there, ready and waiting for you to come hang out. No matter what kind of trouble you got yourself into last night, breakfast will still be hanging around the next morning.

Sometimes, at least in my world, breakfast can seem a slightly daunting task. It requires a little less sleep, a little pre-planning, and a whole lot of coffee. But once you join the breakfast club, you’ll never leave. I have better days, more energy, and am just a little happier every morning. I remember waking up with just enough time to run (literally) into the shower and out the door. It was a crazy stressful way to start my day. No more.

Grits. Please don’t let grits scare you. I’ve heard the horror stories. The gross grits someone had at a diner on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere, and absolutely HAD to tell the world about like it was the worst possible thing in the history of the world. Cooked properly, and full of flavour, they’re fantastic. For real. Warm, comforting, wholesome deliciousness. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.

Coconut Grits with Mango Basil Bacon Salsa

Serves 4

1 cup white grits

3 cups coconut milk

1 tablespoon lime juice

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups diced mango

4 strips of bacon

2 teaspoons maple syrup

3 tablespoons basil, finely diced

In a saucepan, bring your milk to a boil. Pour in your grits, and vanilla, and turn the heat down to a simmer. Stirring often to stop them catching, allow the grits to cook away for 20 – 25 minutes. Stir in your lime juice and coconut oil, and immediately serve up into 4 bowls.

While the grits are doing their thing, heat a pan over medium. Lay your bacon and cook until nice and crispy. About a minute before the bacon is finished cooking, pour over your maple syrup. The syrup can burn easily, so don’t let it cook for any longer than 30-45 seconds. Place your cooked bacon on a rack. *Note – do not place the bacon on paper towel, unless you like your paper extra papery.*

Dice your bacon into small strips, and toss them in a bowl with your mango & basil. Top each bowl of grits with a ¼ cup of salsa, and a nice dash of cream.


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